A Note of Gratitude this Veterans Day

Dear Neighbor,

On this Veterans Day, I want to say a profound “Thank You” to all members of our Armed Services, both past and present. 

This day means so very much to me. My family has a strong military tradition that spans generations. My father, two brothers, sister, brother-in-law, all of my uncles, cousins, and two nephews have served - or are serving - in our military. I have deep pride in them and I have seen their sacrifices first-hand.

In fact, I first moved to San Diego in the early 1980s to be closer to my sister, who was on active duty at Naval Base San Diego.

For more than a century, the military has significantly shaped the San Diego region. We are home to the largest concentration of military in the world, according to a 2019 study by the San Diego Military Advisory Council. Our military and civilian employees are a substantial economic driver for our region. And our ports, bases and training ranges are essential to our national security.

It is my honor to represent you as the 39th District Senator. I pledge to support our veterans, active duty service members, and their families, by focusing on the issues that affect them most: affordable housing, quality education, and comprehensive healthcare, including access to mental health services. I also am committed to working with local partners and organizations whose missions are to provide aid and support to our homeless veterans. They cannot be left behind.

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected us all. It is why we cannot gather to honor our veterans at parades and events. However, we can honor our service men and women virtually. That is why it is so important for me to extend my gratitude at this time. I appreciate you and your families’ contributions to our nation.

On behalf of the California State Senate, and from the bottom of my heart, thank you to all  members of our military for your service and your profound commitment to our country. We owe it to you to ensure that America lives up to its greatest ideals here and around the world.

Toni Atkins signature
Toni Atkins
Senator, 39th District