Senate Leader Atkins’ Statement Regarding Positive Test of COVID-19 Within Senate

August 26, 2020

SACRAMENTO – Senate President pro Tempore Toni G. Atkins (D-San Diego) released the following statement regarding a positive test of COVID-19 within the Senate:

"This morning, the Secretary of the Senate was informed that a member of the Senate family has tested positive for COVID-19. The person has been in the Capitol this week – as a result, we have cancelled floor session for today while we conduct immediate contact tracing and inform anyone who may have been exposed. We are taking every precaution to ensure that all of the public health guidelines are being followed, including requiring masks and social distancing for everyone in the Capitol, as well as regularly cleaning our facilities. The Senate will be prepared to continue our work when we have completed public health protocols to ensure that the risk of exposure has been eliminated. The Senate will use the tools available to us to make sure that we can complete necessary work prior to August 31."


Toni G. Atkins is President pro Tempore of the California Senate. Having previously served as Speaker of the California Assembly, she began her tenure in the Senate in 2016. As Senator for District 39, she represents the cities of San Diego, Coronado, Del Mar and Solana Beach. Website of President pro Tempore Toni G. Atkins:

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